ANTS News and Discussion Forum

Season’s greetings colleagues

Season’s greetings colleagues

by Kathryn Geisler -
Number of replies: 0

No doubt it has been a busy year for you all in both your home and professional lives.

 For the ANTS Executive and Conference Planning teams we ran a successful Conference at the Gold Coast in June 2023. The 19th National Nurse Educators’ Conference (NNEC) saw 290 participants share, learn, collaborate, and engage with each other around our conference theme of “Create, Innovate, Energise”. Sixty-eight overseas participants interacted with their Australian colleagues across the course of the conference. Participants represented a variety of educational spheres, including: academics, Clinical Facilitators, Clinical Nurse Educators, Lecturers and Nurse Educators.  Twenty nursing & midwifery educational related companies participated in the Sponsorship and / or exhibitioner space and assisted to make the 19th NNEC a memorable event. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved.

Our 47th Annual General Meeting conducted online from 30th June to 21st July 2023, saw a change of the guard, with some of the Executive team stepping down and others switching roles to support some of the novice Executive team members. Christine Taylor, our outgoing Treasurer was awarded Life Membership for her significant contribution to ANTS. We also warmly acknowledge the amazing support provided to the Society by Stuart Taylor, as our ANTS Administrator. Thank you both sincerely for everything you have done.

The 2023 – 2024 Executive team are embarking on a review of the ANTS Constitution, so if you have experience in this area, we would appreciate hearing from you. We hope to develop a Strategic plan to guide our activities into the future. We are exploring our social media presence and how we can better engage with you as our membership. We would appreciate you dropping us a line if you have any ideas or are interested in supporting us spreading the word on your favourite social media site(s). 

We are currently undertaking the foundational work for NNEC 2025. More on this as it comes to hand. If you are interested in being on the 2025 Conference Planning Committee, please answer the call to arms in the new year.

 Welcome to all our new members across 2023. Feel free to drop us a line to share why you joined or let us know how we can assist you to get the most out of your membership. We look forward to the first edition of the ANTS e-Bulletin from our new Editorial team Amanda Petrie & Libin Jose. The ANTS Executive would like to re-establish the Peer Reviewed section of the e-Bulletin in 2024. So, if you are interested in contributing and article or being a member of the Peer Review Panel, please let us know at:

 Alternatively, we would be pleased to receive articles about what you have achieved in 2023 or a conference that you have attended, what you are planning for 2024 and beyond, in your area of educational practice; or if you would like assistance / to collaborate with your Nurse Education colleagues from around Australia please submit an article or send in a question / post it in the website. 

Remember that you can also request to preview Elsevier texts as part of our relationship with Elsevier. This involves writing a review which is published in the e-Bulletin and online by Elsevier. Thank you to this year’s book reviewers.

 Just a reminder that our Bronze Affiliate membership of the Australian College of Nursing entitles ANTS members to a 5% discount on ACN CPD courses, to find out what’s on offer go to: Education – Australian College of Nursing (

 As we move towards 2024, I hope that you all have a safe and peaceful break. If you are in the fortunate position to be on leave over this time, I hope you enjoy some time to yourself to relax and recharge. If not thank you for supporting our front-line Nursing and Midwifery colleagues.

 Kathryn Geisler

Nurse Educator | RN, RM, IPN, Dip. T & A, B App Sci - Nsg, MLM

Sunshine Coast Hospital & Health Service / ANTS 2023 - 2024 President

Gubbi Gubbi  / Kabi Kabi Country