Dear ANTS colleagues,
Lynda Hughes, a nurse educator and PhD student in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Griffith University, is conducting an anonymous survey to explore assessors’ experiences of grading nursing students’ performances in clinical course assessments when that performance is not a clear pass or fail. Please consider Lynda's request to complete an on-line survey. Lynda's email is reproduced below - please contact Lynda directly if you have any questions.
Please do not reply to this post.
Christine Taylor
ANTS National Treasurer
My name is Lynda Hughes. I am a PhD student in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Griffith University. I am conducting a survey to explore assessors’ experiences of grading nursing students’ performances in clinical course assessments when that performance is not a clear pass or fail. I am looking for a cross section of hospital based assessors of undergraduate nursing students which includes hospital based educators, hospital based clinical facilitators and bedside nurses who have assessed undergraduate nursing students. As well as academic assessors which includes university employed clinical facilitators, course/unit convenors, sessional teaching staff that assess clinical courses.
Developing broad insight into assessors’ experiences will help make it possible to identify strategies which can be employed to support clinical assessors and potentially students in the future. Your experience in assessing student performance in clinical assessments will inform our understanding; providing invaluable insights into this poorly understood phenomenon.
If you are interested in learning more about this study, please review the attached information sheet outlining the focus and scope of this research and what you will be asked to do to contribute. If, after reading the information sheet, you are interested in contributing please click on the survey link included in the body of this email. The survey should take 10- 15minutes to complete. If you wish to find out more about the study, please contact the researcher directly by email or telephone. The research team would like to hear from as many assessors as possible, so if you have friends and colleagues who also undertake clinical assessments for nursing students, please forward this email and the associated survey link to them also. We are hoping to obtain as wide a contribution to this challenging topic as possible.
All issues discussed will remain confidential between researcher and participant. Whether or not you participate in this study will not effect on your relationship with the Australian Nurse Teachers Society. There is a prize draw of a $100 Myer voucher to participants that complete the survey.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.
If you have any questions or concerns about this request, feel free to contact me, Lynda Hughes on 0418485193 or This research has Ethical approval from the GU Human Research Ethics Committee, GU ethics reference number: 2016/948.
Please click on this link to complete the survey.
Lynda Hughes
RN MEd, MN, Grad Dip Crit. Care, Grad Cert Ortho Nsg, BN
PhD Candidate
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Griffith University
Ph: +617 373 57682