The attachment is provided in the post below.
Dear Colleague
The OCT-DEC 2019 edition of the ANMJ will be featuring NURSING/MIDWIFERY EDUCATION in its focus section. We invite you to contribute short articles (approximately 200-500 words including references). Writer’s guidelines are attached for your information. Photos relating to the story and of the author are encouraged (specifications and instructions regarding permission to use photos are included in the writer’s guidelines). Contributed articles may also be considered for the ANMJ ( website. Writing for the ANMJ is a great opportunity to highlight work in relation to practical programs and research of nurses and midwives.
The deadline for articles is FRIDAY 28 JUNE 2019.
We hope you will consider participating,
and ask that you please forward this email to any others with expertise or
an interest in this area who may also like to
contribute. We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Kathryn Anderson | Editor | Australian
Nursing & Midwifery Journal
Level 1, 365 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
T: (03) 9602 8511 | F: (03) 9602 8567 | M: 0413 553 288 |