ANTS News and Discussion Forum

Invitation to participate in research - Needs analysis of the Victorian simulation community of practice

Invitation to participate in research - Needs analysis of the Victorian simulation community of practice

by Monica Peddle -
Number of replies: 0

Dear ANTS Members

Below is an invitation to participate in a research survey from Monica Peddle (La Trobe University) and Dr Karen Livesay (Victoria University). ANTS has agreed to circulate this invitation to our members, who represent their target audience; nurse educators in Australia. An information sheet is attached which includes project, supervisors and contact details. ANTS has no association with the research project other than disseminating the invitation to participate.

Please do not reply to this post rather contact me directly with questions or comments.


Monica Monica Peddle
Lecturer in Nursing|Program Co-ordinator |Course Advisor Clinical Practice and Simulation
School of Nursing and Midwifery| College of Science, Health and Engineering
La Trobe University| Melbourne
Email: Phone: 03 94795903

Project Leader VSPR

Project Title: Needs analysis of the Victorian simulation community of practice

The Victorian Simulation Alliance through funding from the Victorian Government, is conducting a project to support Victoria’s existing and new simulation communities of practice. The aim of the project is to expand the capacity and capability of the Victorian health and human services workforce in simulation-based education (SBE).

Whilst the project focuses on Victoria, we are aiming to collect data from a wider population and welcome information from other locations. The research seeks the widest possible response rate and therefore we seek your assistance to forward this link and attachments to other staff within your organisation who have an interest in SBE. We apologise if you receive this invitation from more than one source.

The project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of La Trobe University. Consent is indicated via completion of the survey. Further details regarding the study are available in the Participant Information Statement which is attached to this post. If you have any questions about the questionnaire or the study, please email Monica Peddle:

Please click on the link to complete the survey.   

The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and it will close on November 6th. Please ensure your opinions and needs are recorded.

We appreciate your time in completing this survey.

Monica Peddle
Lecturer in Nursing
Course Advisor Simulation
La Trobe University

Dr Karen Livesay
Senior Lecturer
Victoria University